Friday, April 5, 2019

The quest for the perfect hard egg

I love hard eggs. I'm a 49 year old man, and I love hard eggs. I have one for breakfast every damn morning. Along with French press coffee. So much French press coffee...

Notice, that I said hard eggs. Not hard boiled. I take great delight in annoying those around me (especially my wife) in my quest for precise language. I was going through a period where my hard eggs were done in my bamboo steamer, after I breakfast on a trip to Guangzhou. Thus, hard eggs, with no unnecessary information about how the hardness is achieved.

Sadly, I burned the hell out of my steamer (I need to pick another one up, loved that thing). No amount of staples could bring it back to life, so into the garbage it went.

Anyway, I'm still on a quest for the perfect hard egg. My current quest has me at

where I'm picking and choosing what parts I of the recipe I want to follow based on just how lazy I am.


  1. Splash of baking soda. Not a teaspoon like mentioned. I'm seriously too lazy to measure that, or anything else, to be honest. In my mind, this is "half a glug". 
  2. I didn't warm my eggs. I can see future Kevin doing that, as he is informed by historical Kevin.
  3. Now that we have a functioning refrigerator with an ice maker, I don't feel like I'm wasting valuable resources making an ice bath (like a frickin' Rockefeller). So we do that too.
I'm not shaking an egg or otherwise centering a yolk. I'm not doing any pinprick crap. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Here's hoping for the perfect egg.


  1. Success.

    1. I too love a hard cooked egg and searched high and low for the perfect way to cook one; not a fan of a lot of steps, etc.
      I found the answer: it is a plug in cooker - add a measure of water, put the eggs in, lid on and press the button. Viola - the perfect egg.
