Thursday, April 11, 2019

Cardamom rice

I am in a Indian cooking mode right now, doing a ton of chana (chickpea) dishes.

This is my current favorite "base", just a simple rice.

Full vegan (but still, no crossfit).

  1. Throw a small dollap of coconut oil in a saucepan, medium heat
  2. 1 cup Jasmine rice in said saucepan. It's a whole new world
  3. 1 tablespoon garlic in there as well.
  4. 1 teaspoon ginger. My local schmaldi sold ginger-in-a-tube and I bought all of them. This has been transformative to my cooking, as cutting ginger into appropriate sizes is a PITA to me (but I still do it. Ginger, I can't quit you).
  5. Healthy shake of ground cardamom. Maybe someday I use real cardamom pods. One can dream...
  6. Some season salt.
  7. Stir a bit, Let cook for 2-3 minutes. Burn rice, BURN! (I kind of like the blackened bits when all is said and done).
  8. Put in 1.5 cups of water. Stir, so the blackened bits at the bottom are not fully stuck to the pan.
  9. Jack up the heat to boil
  10. When full rolling boil, turn down the heat to simmer, 1 final stir & cover.
  11. Ask Amanda to set a 20 minute rice timer.
  12. When done, uncover, stir, enjoy!
This worked really well with my lunch chana masala yesterday. The kinder devoured it as well, with fake Doritos.

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